Sunday, September 21, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


It's been an extremely long time since I've logged into Blogger and updated this site!

Anyway, I'm back with a quick update on what's happening in my life because SOMEBODY forced me to blog...and I shall not reveal who in case he/she decides to cast an evil spell on me that might change my life foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr /justkidding hehe 

So I haven't been updating it in quite a long time due to my preparations for O levels last year.Since my last entry, I've had massive piles of homework from school and tuition classes, extended supplementary lessons in the afternoon after school and extra classes in school during the weekends. I wasn't able to head out on weekends because they were packed with tuition lessons and, get it. As O levels drew nearer, my panic mode started flashing more frequently. I slept at 12 every night (or even 1 sometimes) just to be able to revise a chapter or two for a subject before I slept, but only after completing my homework. On some days, I felt so worn out from school that an hour after having dinner at home, I went straight to sleep, not giving a damn about my unfinished homework or not revising for class test the following day. I didn't have time to bond with my family every week, much less during the holidays! I still remember that my mother was so worried about me that she even became emotional and prayed everyday that my O's would be over soon...I pitied my mother, because my O levels were not only affecting me, but also my mum's emotional state of health...

However, after those rigorous days of O levels, I've finally achieved what I wanted today. My results weren't that spectacular, but they were decent enough for me to enter my dream course in polytechnic :) I am currently waiting for polytechnic to start.. it's so boring to be away on a long break from schooling! I hope that during my orientation next week, I'll be able to make new friends! My only concern is getting my way around the campus though, because sense of direction is quite bad haha! 

That's all for tonight folks, till next time!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A splash of emotions.

I've never been once disappointed in myself before...up till today.
Experiencing failures at certain things is part and parcel of growing up.
Everyone has gone through that process multiple times.
Well, unless you're a perfectionist which I believe no one is.
All of us have our own flaws.
Including me.
In my case, I am bad at sciences.
Especially Chemistry.
Chemistry is my number one enemy which I can't seem to defeat at all.
No matter how much I study for Chemistry tests, I always fail.
I fail so badly and frequently that my body seems to have become numb to it.
All of the efforts I put in just don't pay off in the end.
So why bother trying to pass when you know your chances of passing are very slim?

Sometimes, I feel like I'm stuck in a thunderstorm.
The tidal waves have just capsized my ship.
Flags ripped apart.
Barrels and boxes tossed into the sea.
And I, desperately trying to hold on to the remains.
As I held on, I began to panic.
Gravity pulls me nearer towards the sea bed.
Many thoughts were running through my head.
Was this the right thing to do?
To succumb to failure and drown in its misery forever?
Would I be able to break free from this grip?
I'm not sure for now.
But I will.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I watched it begin again.

Hey there my blog readers! It's been a few months since I last updated, and I apologise for that. Actually, I don't think anyone reads by blog anymore, given the fact that it has already been dead for quite a while, haha. However, to those who still read this pathetic blog of mine, I really appreciate for taking your time off to constantly check for updates on here. Thank you.

Anyway, school had been really hectic. A week after school reopened, the teachers decided to be merciless. They give us a shitload of homework almost everyday, and even more on Fridays, because, well, obviously they think that we're super free on weekends, which is NOT true at all. Guess what, I have 6 tuition classes from Friday to Monday every week, and they are all 2 hour lessons. Excluding the time taken to do my homework, the only free time I have left is to sleep. Yes, sleep. Now, because  topics are getting tougher and I need more time to do homework, I have to adjust to sleeping at at least 12am everyday. Consequences of sleeping late, you ask? Black eye patches, eye bags, body fatigue and having a low level of concentration in class. Imagine the amount of information I have to process everyday with only at least 6 hours or less of sleep.

Apart from homework, there's class tests conducted every week too. I don't know why, but every time I do practice questions in class, I'm okay with it. However, during class tests, I panic, so I end up not completing the entire paper. Probably it's because I have a phobia of taking tests? Haha. Choir has been ending late too, at 6pm plus. This year is the year of SYF, and all secondary school  performing arts groups need to prepare for this prestigious event early as it is a biannual competition held to assess the qualities of PAGs of various schools. There's only a month left till the competition starts, and we're almost done with learning the 3 songs we've prepared for the competition. I hope we'll get at least the 2nd highest grade, though our choir size is super small.  

Overall, welcome to the life of a struggling Secondary 4 student from Singapore. Below is a quick update on the events which happened in January and February. Enjoy.


  • Back to school; our new form teachers are Mr Thong and Mr Teo.
  • Trip to Ngee Ann Poly. Received a free NP t-shirt afer doing the NP cheer shamelessly. Was given a free goodie bag and toured around the campus with Aishah. Played a quick game on real estate stuff with students from other school in the School of Design And Environment and I was the winner. Potential real estate agent here! *winks*
  • Release of O Level results. I'm proud to be a BBSSian. Well done batch of 2012!


  • MLA Day 1: Career Day + Dining Etiquette lesson. All of us looked super glamorous in our office style outfits. Dining etiquette practical lesson was held in Breek's Cafe, located at Changi airport. Sean was my date of the day. Took lots of photos and a couple of videos hehehehe.
  • MLA Day 2: NE quiz + visit to ArtScience Museum + mural painting. The quiz was fun, and I almost achieved all the badges, damn it! I liked the Lego exhibition at the museum the most, very nostalgic. The other exhibits were not bad either. Grouped up with Jazz, PY, YT & Siti for mural painting. The instructor's name was Mr Bradley and he's a Caucasian ^o^ He's super friendly and nice towards us!
  • MLA Day 3: Fencing! Had 3 good battles with Syafiqah. I only won 1/3 battles, sigh. Thinking of taking up a short fencing course after the O's!
  • CNY celebrations. This year's was super boring compared to the previous three years. I don't see the need as to having lessons on that day at all. Shouldn't we be embracing the occasion instead of studying, even if it's just for a day? 
  • Valentine's Day. Nothing to say, except that I was showered with gifts and cards from my girlfriends. Had Chemistry O Level SPA on the same day itself. Everything was cool.
  • CT1. Flunked my Physics and Chemistry papers, ugh. I only love my English and History marks. Oh well, guess it's time to pull up my socks and learn from my mistakes!

This week was horrible. We received back our  test papers, teachers got really mad at us, and a BBSSian passed away after having a long battle with cancer. During morning assembly today, we observed a minute of silence for Farah, the BBSSian who passed away. A classmate of her's cried. To be honest, my heart broke a little too. I could feel my tears were on the verge of falling. I didn't know her at all, but I have to say, she has a strong heart. Despite having cancer, she comes to school everyday. I'd see her sitting on the steps next to the ISH every morning after the end of morning assembly, chatting with a few of her close friends. She'd wear a purple scarf around her bald head, and sometimes sit in a wheelchair. She looked very fragile, like a piece of porcelain vase, but I'd see her smiling everyday. Like nothing could pull her down, you know? Looking at her makes me realize that we should treasure whatever we have now, because chances are, we'll die someday, but we just don't know when.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Written in the stars

A million miles away
A message to the main oh woah
The seasons come and go
But I will never change
And I'm on my way yeah yeah!


So I've been away from this blog for quite some time now, and I'm glad to be back alive and blogging. 
Now, you ask me, 

Okay, chill guys, chiiiillll.
First, I was busy with extra holiday lessons in school.
Second, I was away on vacation in Burma.
Last, I'm too lazy to update.
Alright you have the permission to punch me in the face now. 

That hurts! ;O
Lame bleh.
Anyway, I know you guys are looking forward to my post about my vacation in Burma, but you'll still have to wait for that because I have alot to talk about.
Oh yeah, talk about Burma:


Sorry, fangirling business.

And to those of you who's thinking, "OMG UNFAIR!!!!"
You know what they always say:
Life's a bitch!
So you just gotta accept it ;)

I'm still not done with my holiday homework yet.
School's reopening on 2nd January.

Well, I'm going to end this short updated post here.
Adios amigos!

p/s: "Mut" means shit in Albanian!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Spread your wings, my little butterfly

Hey guys! So here's a quick post on what I'll be talking about in my next post :) 

-Events which happened this term
-Preparation process for my trip back to Burma

And yes, about the last point there, I am heading back to Burma. It will last for 2 weeks, from 3rd November 2012 till 17 November 2012. More details about my trip coming up soon later!

By the way, I'm addicted to Little Mix's song, Wings, hence the reason for the cheesy title above :P Here's a little dose of reality:

Hope this enlightened your mood! See you in my next post! :D

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oppa Gangnam Style!


Alright, so I haven't touched this dusty blog for a long time now, because I was too damn 
busy with my life till today. And yes, I'm not sorry for not updating this blog, because I'm just so arrogant like that, haha. Plus, you can't expect a Singaporean student like me to be constantly updating this blog because it's just so hard to find time in between weekends to use the computer, or even taking a quick nap in the afternoon. Yes, that's how hard my life is now.

Since I'm on the topic of my strenuous life, here's a quick fact: The O' Level Chemistry SPA test is on the SAME DAY AS MY BIRTHDAY ITSELF, 3RD OCTOBER. ARARARARARA, WHY OH WHYYYYYYYY. My birthday is forever cursed in secondary school, I tell you. One of the main reasons why I'm currently hating my birthday for these 4 years. Hopefully there won't be any such unlucky events happening on the same day as my birthday in that year itself, or else I'll have to......I don't know, but blame the society for letting me enter the world so early, hahahahaha. Seriously, once my O's  are over, I need to go on a decent vacation, or if not, have at least a good birthday party with my bffls. 

Oh yes, and surprisingly, I'm addicted to Gangnam Style. Being a not-so-enthusiastic-but-still-enjoys-some-of-kpop kpop fan, I actually like the song. As in, yes, literally LIKE it. Here are 3 reasons why I like it:

  1. Wacky yet funny. The song seemed to look like an intended parody of Party Rock Anthem, but in Korean. The singer, the props, the backup dancers...they all accumulate up to the wackiness and humor of the song. 
  2.  Catchy. The introduction music is not that obvious, but when the singer calls out 'Oppa Gangnam Style', it attracts your attention immediately. In addition, the phrase is very easy to remember and pronounce, hence the reason being it catchy.
  3. The easy dance moves. The dance move is really easy, it's just a standing up position of crossing your wrists while pulling the reins of a horse. In the easier term, it's as easy as being a cowboy. 
3 reasons why I dislike it:
  1. Hyuna. I'm not hating on her, but I have to admit, her makeup in that video was atrocious. Her eyebrows are too overdone that you can barely even notice them! I wonder if her makeup artist for the video is even a certified one. Her outfits are cute though.
  2. The bus scene where the aunties seemed to be enjoying the music. I don't think they even enjoy the music, or like it. I mean, come on, look at their faces! They're faking it because they are forced to, it's just that the director doesn't want to get sued, that's all.
  3. The scenes where the singer has to go below a person's body. Imagine yourself being him. It's just so gross, eww. 
To sum it up, Gangnam Style is not bad if you skip those weird/gross/fake parts in the video. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10.

That's all for tonight my amigos. Here's my love sending goodnight kisses to you all, awww <3
