Friday, February 24, 2012

The February Update, yay!

Hello, it's been a month since I've last posted. WHATTHEHOOT.

Anyway, there were alot of happenings this month. I'm going to list them down in bullet points, since I'm too lazy to blog now, especially after the end of common tests.

  • MLA SEC 3 CAMP @ TANJUNG PIAI 2012    I swear to the holy heavens that this camp has been the best one so far! NOTHING CAN BEAT THIS....unless you can manage to find one and convince me with it (which I'm pretty sure it's a Mission Impossible for you). 3S2 KICKASS FOREVER!!! *shall continue on this some other day*
  • Normal school time after camp. Everyone was tired and having the hangover look, including yours truly. WHY OH WHY YOU FREAKING SCHOOL DIDN'T PLAN THE CAMP FROM WEDNESDAY TO FRIDAY INSTEAD OF MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY?! Le sigh.
  • CIP @ MEILING SAC CENTRE/LION BEFRIENDERS The activities we had to carry out weren't that bad...well, except for our last minute preparations on the bus and our bad moves at doing the chacha. *shall continue on this some other day*
  • COMMON TEST WEEK English and Physics weren't that bad. I'm really worried for the other subjects now, especially Chinese. I don't wanna drop to CLB. Good news is that I've improved in Physics CT1 this year compared to last year! WOOHOO!!! :D
  • CLASS PHOTO-TAKING DAY I had to sit in the first row, oh damn. It is evident that I'm short, waahhh ): We brought our class tee and wore it over our uniform during the fun shot. Our ties were over the tee. IVY LEAGUE STUDENTS FTW ;) I bet that I'll look super unglam in the photos, trust me.
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