Friday, May 20, 2011


It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...

Herrowww people :D It's REWINDING TIME!!!

Monday, 16/5/11

It was E-learning day. We had to stay at home, complete assignments given to us through asknlearn portal, and hand it up to them, either on Wednesday or through the portal. Yes, indeed we got to slack and do whatever we want at our own sweet time, but hey, the assignments have deadlines to it. Yup, that's why I woke up early in the morning, just to complete an English assignment, which was due at 3pm ;O Dangit. I had to choose a title, plan a draft of my speech, record it on my lappy and upload it onto the portal. I only managed to upload it at somewhere 2.30pm, lol. Thanks to Pei Ying for giving me tips and Evonne for helping me solve the uploading problems (:

Oh, and maths. Ms Tayyy, why give us a whole crap of Pythagoras' Theorem when we haven't even learn it yet? -___- Well, at least that as long as we write something, we'll get full marks ^^ Physics was easy to do,  my tuition teacher taught me how to do Chem, and yeah...OH YEAH, instead of receiving Chinese, I received Malay :l So, I had to ask for the homework on Facebook frantically, and thank god, Sin Yee came to my rescue (:

Tuesday, 17/5/11

Vesak Day, the time when we get holy x) Went to attend prayers at The Arena (Pioneer). Got a free packet of fried noodles and a packet drink for dinner. Went back home at about 7pm. Haha, I had fun taking photos XD Well, nothing much to say for that day (:

Today, we had one of the most AWESOME history classes everr :DD Mr.Lam was lazy to go through our paper, so he started showing us The 3 Idiots <-- Indian movie. The movie is, well, funny and really nice, you know :D

Okay, buhbye :P

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