Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm back!


I'm back from a long hiatus (okay, maybe not so long...), bacause there were Common Tests. If you're wondering how I fared for it, I shall not say it out :)

Anyway, alot of things have happened recently. Common tests, Class photo taking, release of Common test results....gah, there's just too much to state. Class photo taking was...not too bad, at least it's better than last year's ^^ Hehe, finally I'm not standing at the corner! ^.^

I had Choir practice for SYF today in the morning, and it was....fairly intensive...? :l Lol, had to learn a new song called Ayam Didik, which is a Malay folk song. Hehe, the Altos got to sing the melody line in the beginning :) The song was nice, and much easier than Fire, Fire, My Heart and The Wind

Talking about Choir, Miss Diana, one of the Choir teachers-in-charge, announced that we're going to Hong Kong Disneyland for a competition this coming December holidays, and the school has approved it! :DDDDD All of us were screaming like mad, until she said that they can only afford to bring 30+ students there D: I must jiayou for it, and start saving up bucks ^^ Haha, after the competition, we can play our asses off~! WOOHOO~

I guess this should be enough updates :)

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