Sunday, January 23, 2011

MLA Sec 2 Camp 2011 :D

Hello there my darling friends! I'm finally back from camp! Here goes my story, enjoy :D

Day 1 (19/1)

The Sec 2s first assembled in the school's basketball court in the morning. While looking around, I spotted the Sec 4s wearing different attires, and after 5 seconds, I realised that it was Career Day for them. Ohmygawd, they look so pretty/handsome :) But we look so unglam :l

After morning assembly, the Sec 2s stayed back to get to know our groups plus facilitators ( in short term, facs) for the camp. I was in Team 2E5 B, called the Mustards, and our facs are Taahira and Fax (I know their names are weird) Our team's fac was Fax :) So, we learnt a new cheer before taking the bus to our campsite at HomeTeam NS. It was called Magic Box, and led by Carolyn. The lyrics sounded... barbarian, but it's still cool anyways :)

After learning the cheer, getting to know each other and playing Double Whacko, we were finally heading off to our campsite. There was a tad of problem trying to pitch our tent, but we made it, with the help of Ms Kang, our co-form teacher :)

After that, our class and a few classes were off to do Flying Fox, abseiling plus rock climbing! Other classes went to do The Amazing Race :D I only got to do rock climbing, the last activity and I was the last person to climb. I climbed up halfway, about...4 to 5 metres, and came down. My arms and hands were aching, but it was still worth the climb :>

At night, after we had our dinner, we had this activity called Night Walk. Yes, it may sound creepy to you at first, but it's actually really fun in the end. The facs told us ghost stories to freak us out while we waited for our turn. Our class walked through the forest blindfolded (except the leader), holding on to each other's shoulders as we did different activities. The facs told us to respect the night, and we had to try to control our feelings by not shouting or takling loudly.  

Day 2 (20/1)

We went to Labrador park in the afternoon to play The Amazing Race! Too bad Fax was down with an asthma attack, so we had a new fac called Jeya. Team Mustard was the first team to complete the race, and we're so damn happy :D (Rewards, anyone? :P) Phew, my whole body was aching all over, and I had mosquito bites on my legs and arms! >< I hated the part where we had to climb really high up, just to complete a quest by doing 5 even-number jumping jacks! >< It was only due to teamwork and perseverance, that made our team conquer the quest with ease. :)

 We were supposed to watch a movie called Wall-E, but due to some technical errors, it was cancelled. We ended up singing camp songs and doing cheers, and soon enough, it was bedtime. 

Day 3 (21/1)

It was the last day of camp. :( All of us were reluctant to leave, as we had so much fun! Our feelings were indescribable, and the whole class remained worn-out and quiet all the way. At 12 noon, it was time to leave. As we headed back to school on the bus, Taahira cried, telling us how much she misses us and stuff. I turned my head away from her, so that I won't cry too. .__.

So, that's the end of my story. But don't go yet, because I've got some cheers to share with you!

The Bumblebee Cheer

Caught a little bumblebee, caught a little bumblebee
Mommy Mommy come and see! I caught a little bumblebee!
Eee, so naughty...
Squish the little bumblebee, squish the little bumblebee
Mommy Mommy come and see! I squashed the little bumblebee!
Eee, so dirty...
Lick the little bumblebee, lick the little bumblebee!
Mommy Mommy come and see! I lick the little bumblebee!
Eee, so disgusting...
Puke the little bumblebee, puke the little bumblebee!
Mommy mommy come and see! I puke the little bumblebee!
Eee, so dirty...
Sweep the little bumblebee, sweep the little bumblebee!
Mommy Mommy come and see, I sweep the little bumblebee!

The Makan Cheer (before eating our breakfast + lunch + dinner)

Sa! *clap 4 times*
Sa! *clap 4 times*
Sa Sa Sa Sa!
Xi shuang shuang *6 times*

Team Cheer 1

We win like champions! (echo)
We fight like champions! (echo)
We win like champions, fight like champions! (echo)
Fly kite, fly kite, all the rest can go fly kite! (together) *claps hands* *3 times*
Later kena lightning  strike...
BOOM!! (very loud)

So um, this is all I could remember... /:)...

Anyway, thanks for your kind attention! :DDD

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