Friday, July 22, 2011

July! (part 2) = UPDATES

Hi there folks, it's been ages since I've last blogged. 

I'm too lazy to blog nowadays, so don't mind me if I didn't update my blog for very long. Not gonna blog about choir camp + Australian Exchange + SIN-HK Exchange yet, takes up alot of time.


Wait, hold on, before you start assuming anything, let me tell you how this dispute happened first.

I was on Facebook last night, when Pingxuan tagged me on her status that she was nervous for Metamorphosis, and afraid that she's screw it up. Nadiah, her classmate, told her that she'd be fine, but Hairul (also from E4) told her that she'd screw it up. Of course, I told her that she'd be fine, & that I was afraid I'd screw it up too. 

I don't know why, but Hairul had to add violence to the peaceful conversation -____- Here are the screen shots:


See that? It's not I who started it, it's Hairul! >< 

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